Friday, March 14, 2008

The 3 P's For Success In Cooking: Perseverance

Perseverance, what; I know, I know that sounds a little out of left field but give me a minute here will ya. Anytime you start something new there's a big learning curve and you gotta stick with it, is all I mean. You can't give up the first time you mess up or forget something. In fact that's part of the fun of it, allowing yourself to mess up, to make a mistake.

Inevitably we won't be perfect at everything we try. Can you imagine someone waking up one day and deciding to run a marathon; they'd kill themselves. Oh by the way that's what happened to the first marathon runner.

No, if you can't give yourself some room to fail then you'll likely be too hard on yourself. You won't have fun and you'll walk around feeling like a failure all the time. You'll also be hard on everyone else and make them feel like a failure all the time. Lighten up, give yourself and everybody else a break.

As I said there's a learning curve every time you start something new. It's been said the road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. So don't park it, keep going.

Perseverance implies persistence, endurance, hardiness, fortitude, stamina, robustness and tolerance. It's constant persistence in a course of action, purpose, or state, steadfast pursuit of an aim.

Now I know this sounds pretty highfalutin but we can't confuse it with stubbornness. Perseverance comes from a strong will and stubbornness comes from a strong won't to quote someone; or better yet paraphrase someone. Listen the fun, family times and good meals will be worth sticking with it.

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