Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Roasted Asparagus & Mushrooms

My dad and I used to grow asparagus in our garden and we really loved cooking it. More than that though we loved eating it. It was a favorite in our family. But since my parents have been gone we have seldom cooked it. I don't know why because Charlcie loves it dearly.

Recently, I've seen it in the stores and we've been trying to eat more vegetables. So a couple of weeks ago I picked up a bunch and pan roasted them with olive oil. They were good but I thought we could cook them better. So I googled asparagus and found some recipes.

We had a pound of asparagus and trimmed off the woody stalks. I put them in a food storage bag along with 3 tbsp of olive oil, 1/2 pound of sliced mushrooms and 1 clove of minced garlic. On a large baking sheet I spread out the mixture and sprinkled with sea salt and pepper and a little more olive oil. Into a preheated oven to 425 degrees they went and baked for 20 minutes. You might want to check it after about 15 so not to over cook. You want them to be tender and lightly browned. This was enough for 3 of us last night and Charlcie and I finished them off tonight. I'm really loving this and this is one for the cookbook.

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